medical records | medical malpractice

Common Issues in Medical Records that Could Hurt Your Lawsuit

Personal injury cases rely on a preponderance of the evidence, but one of the more critical pieces of evidence in this type of case is that of your medical records. Whether you are filing an official lawsuit or going through negotiations with the insurance company, an adjuster and defense attorney will scrutinize your medical records looking for a minor error …

lost wages law suit | attorney durham

The Basics of Claiming Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Injuries come with many consequences, but one burden victims may not realize is that of lost wages. You take time off work to recover, and you miss countless hours for treatments, doctor’s appointments, and more. While you are enduring medical bills, without any income to pay those bills, you become financially suffocated. This reason alone is why the courts allow …

Contributory negligence

Will Contributory Negligence Make or Break Your Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Sadly, North Carolina is one of four states that still allows pure contributory negligence in personal injury lawsuits. What this means is that if you are even one percent at fault for your wounds, you are barred from seeking any form of financial compensation what-so-ever. This puts an extreme burden on you, the plaintiff, to thwart attempts from the defense …

attorney consultation

10 Critical Documents to Bring to Your Initial Consultation

Most personal injury attorneys will meet with you without obligation. However, you want to get the most out of that attorney consultation. One way to do such is to bring along the right documents. These documents show the attorney essentials about your case and help them better estimate your potential settlement amount. Most importantly, they help establish liability and losses. …

injury compensation

Can Medical Providers File a Lien Against My Injury Compensation?

Liens, claims, and reimbursement demands are ways for medical providers to reach into your injury compensation and take their portion. While it seems unfair, it is a reasonable request and acceptable one by the state of North Carolina. After all, these providers have given you services, or your insurance company has paid for expenses that you are now being reimbursed …

understanding liability

What is Negligence and How Does It Establish Liability?

The success of your personal injury claim hinges on one important factor: negligence. Negligence is what determines liability, and without negligence established, you do not have a case. The definition of negligence is simple: a person must fail to behave with a standard of reasonable care that a person of ordinary prudence would have exercised in a similar situation. The …