Rapid growth in the Durham and Triangle area is expected to accelerate the need for government to seize property through eminent domain for public use. Owners of commercial, residential and farmland in the path of this growth face the prospect of government takeover of their lands to make way for such public projects as highways, roads, sewers, parks and lakes.
Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.
Experienced counsel is needed by landowners to ensure they get this “fair compensation” for their property. The government is interested in paying the lowest possible price for the land it seizes.
The attorneys at Thomas, Ferguson & Beskind, LLP in Durham have extensive experience in land condemnation litigation. They have successfully represented clients on both sides of the issue — landowners and government entities. This experience gives them thorough, intimate knowledge of the law and the issues involved.

Attorneys carefully evaluate each case with the help of real estate appraisers and other experts to determine what is fair compensation for an individual’s land. Often the value of the land is substantially more than the government offers. They negotiate with the government on behalf of landowners, or they fight in court, if necessary, to ensure that the landowner receives full and fair compensation for their property.
If your property is going to be seized by the government, feel free to contact our lawyers to discuss your rights and legal options.